Forum:Conservapedia Fraud

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Conservapedia Fraud
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5165 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Hey kids. It's been a while. I got an idea. Anyone think they can make Conservapedia-styled wrappers for Uncyclopedia? I remember we had some fucked up image manipulation tricks when we were still at war with ED, wondering if we could use that. Anyway, those guys (Conservapedia, not ED) are a laugh on their own, I was thinking we could just start lampooning them using a quick palette swap to make it look really good. --Dzugavili 10:40, May 2, 2010 (UTC)

We were at war with ED? Is that why there are still all of those landmines on the beach? --Hotadmin4u69 [TALK] 13:31 May 2 2010
I have lost a set of bollocks to those mimes. Luckily they grow back pretty quick. -- Style Oranssiviiva.jpg Guide 14:57, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
I ended up suffering from shell shock during the war against ED! I was taken capture and was forced to look at Goa Tse. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' (Sir) Joe ang Aussie CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 12:39, May 7, 2010 (UTC)
Do you have any idea how much work stuff is? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 20:51, May 2, 2010 (UTC)
Uh. Yes? I remember this Wiki CSS trick we played that made a goatse appear in place (over?) the ED logo. We started sneaking it into random templates that got used on the front page so it was harder to figure out where it was coming from. Anyway, I don't imagine it would take much work to jack the CP wiki template.

--Dzugavili 00:07, May 3, 2010 (UTC) Why did we stop the war with ED? Everyone knows that war is a healthy influence. The next gen would be proud of our efforts to liberate the poor souls enslaved by the Enemies of the Superior Wiki.(oh yeah,i'll call this place the Superior Wiki from now on)We must resist!B-B!B-B!B-B!B-B!B-B!YGTP Ynis 00:38, May 6, 2010 (UTC)

We had no war with them. We studiously ignored them. In addition,

I'm going to post this pic everytime I see ED mentioned in the forums. It's a nice pic of my Pa'. *sniff*, I miss Pa'. Went out for smokes and never came back, he did. Plus, since headers don't appear to be length-limited, I can just ramble on about whatever comes to mind. Which is nice. The rambling, I mean...

This is ED. Good ol' ED.

Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 18:50, May 7, 2010 (UTC)


I hardly know her! you get into that & she'll keep the baby for sure!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  06 May 2010 ~ 01:27 (UTC)