Forum:Article ideas for Donald Pleasence
I have a better idea for Donald Pleasence than just having the page redirect to Blofeld. Here in the States, Donald Pleasence's most famous role is that of Dr. Loomis in the Halloween horror movies.
I'm thinking that the article could go something like this: Donald Pleasence was born in 1919 with the bluest eyes... Angel's Eyes! He wanted to be an actor when he grew up, but nothing came out of it, so he became a child psychologist instead, soon being appointed to Michael Myers in 1963.
Then there would also be references and jokes related to some of his other movies, and the article could be written in the style of Dr. Loomis. For help, you can check out this page for a list of Halloween quotes.
Also check:
That should give you an idea of the writing style. For example: Donald goes into McDonald's and asks for "a hamburger... no pickles... and the reddest ketchup... the DEVIL'S KETCHUP!!!" Whatever anyone wants to do with it, make it as ridiculous as possible.
Does anybody agree with this or should it remain a redirect? Thanks. PF4Eva, the King of Imagination talk Contributions 21:36, 20 September 2007 (UTC)
- Actually, I kind like the idea of it. Why don't you do it? Start it in your namespace(User:PF4Eva/Donald Pleasence) and go for it! Then, when you feel it is done, maybe get Pee Review and put it into mainspace. P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon
(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 22:05, Sep 20
- I have a few ideas in my "namespace" (My extremely long userpage), which, although lacking satire, I like to think could be worked upon. (BTW, good idea putting this in BHOP where someone will actually care :)). Mr. Briggs Inc. 12:26, 21 September 2007 (UTC) Eh?
- Here it is;
- Donald Pleasence (1919-1995(?)) his first acting job was in 1939 when he was asked to play "laser-spear holder" in a production of "Macbeth in space". Unfortunately, just after receiving the role he was shipped off to World-War II and was promptly tortured to insanity. Shortly afterwards, he escaped from a loony-bin in 1950, hijacking his doctor and nurse's car, and promptly proceeded to drive back to his home town of Yorkshire to kill his sister. Instead, he got sidetracked when a local talent agent said he "had the most wonderful eyes, as if he were insane, yet completely competent" and brought him to acting school.
- I have a few ideas in my "namespace" (My extremely long userpage), which, although lacking satire, I like to think could be worked upon. (BTW, good idea putting this in BHOP where someone will actually care :)). Mr. Briggs Inc. 12:26, 21 September 2007 (UTC) Eh?
- After Pleasence killed the agent and took over the studio, he began to teach his pupils on how to act completely idiotic by talking in raspy bursts of voice with distinctive pauses in between, ironically, John Reynolds (best known for masterfully portraying Torgo) and William Shatner were his best and worst students, respectfully.
- During the next stage of his career, Pleasence would be well known for playing memorable characters such as Dr. Crippen, Limpy, Mr. Puppleworth, Tromp, and "organ-grinder", however, his best-loved character of his earlier career was Heinrich Himmler, who he had idolized and greatly respected throughout his horrible torture.
- Donald's big break came in 1967, when Roald Dahl cogently noted that "that guy looks like some kinda freak", realizing what he had just said, Dahl rushed over to the man and asked him to star in "you only live a few times, then you die and go to hell" where he was asked to play James Bond's nemesis Dr. Savros Blowfield. Unfortunately, Dahl was only going to film a few test films woth pleasence for a blooper-reel, but when the real star, some Polish comedian named Janus Kricsfaluski, fell sick (was poisoned), Dahl had no choice but to complete the film using the freakish-looking actor. Soon enough, Pleasence's role as a super-villain (along with Blofeld's image as a bald-headed freak) was solidified.
- After playing such roles as Puma Man's nemesis, Kobras, Columbo's nemesis, Adrian Carsini, and of course, Heinrich Himmler, Donald was approached by a man just as crazy-looking as him, John Carpenter to play the crazy-looking doctor, Loomis, in his film halloween. Pleasence, having experience playing characters named loomis, gladly agreed after another B-Movie legend, Christopher Lee declined.
- Pleasence pretty much spent the rest of his life playing that Loomis character, playing other bland characters, playing other guys named Loomis, and not doing much else. (other than divorcing and remarrying a lot) Soon enough, people recognized his talents for acting in a numerous amount of movies, and awarded him an unimportant award in 1995. Unfortunately, Pleasence died before he could receive the award, however, in the last moments of his life, his soul was transferred into a bunch of clips of himself, so that he may live on forever.
- In 1997, his Blofeld character was homaged by Mike Myers in "Austin Prowler: International car of quality". However Blofe- er, Loomi-um... Pleasant was offended by this portrayal, prompting him to make his famous speech, of course this was already made by him.
- "I met Michael Myers (Mike Myers), fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child (referring to Mike Myers' state of maturity), with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the *devil's* eyes! I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... *evil*!"
- Mr. Briggs Inc. 15:22, 21 September 2007 (UTC) Eh?
- "I met Michael Myers (Mike Myers), fifteen years ago. I was told there was nothing left. No reason, no conscience, no understanding; even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child (referring to Mike Myers' state of maturity), with this blank, pale, emotionless face and, the blackest eyes... the *devil's* eyes! I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... *evil*!"
- I have completed the article, and am currently awaiting Pee Review. It might need more work, such as the plotline to YOLT, more Donald Pleasence movies, and more Loomis-isms. Feel free to edit or review. Thank you. PF4Eva, the King of Imagination talk Contributions 20:32, 25 September 2007 (UTC)
If nobody's gonna review it at Pee Review then I'll just add it to the mainspace. Thansk for your suggestions. PF4Eva, the King of Imagination talk Contributions 21:02, 1 October 2007 (UTC)