File talk:Babyabevigoda1.jpg

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I didn't necessarily mean that as a suggestion - if you thought "Baby Abe" was funnier, keep it that way. I won't hurt you, I promise! --Jean-Pierre X.Y.Z. Ravenne 15:37, 5 Jan 2006 (UTC)

Are you kidding? It was pure genius and I missed it. And damn, I hate it when I miss it. Seriously, its a clever pun that doesn't over-reach, its satire and I love satire. Just wish I could figured it out so I could have saved the file as that. If I were wearing a hat, it would be off to you! Oh, if you get the time I would really love your feedback on my other images - sometimes I hit the mark, other times I fail and input is always welcome. Hugs, Prettiestpretty 15:48, 5 Jan 2006 (UTC)
You're making me feel all gooey inside. Hardly "pure genius," regardless... Besides, what else would I tell you? All your stuff is good, including the pix, even though I have a feeling your, ehh, collaborator on some of these wiki articles probably thinks I'm a prick. (HE'S RIGHT!) That's just the way it works in comedy - look at Bears vs. Unicorns Conflict. (PLEASE, SOMEONE LOOK.) It was a good idea and three of us spent lots & lots of time on it, and the other two (not me of course) both got nominations, but oopsies, no features for them! And IMO it's because you have to actually read it, give it some undivided attention for a good 5 minutes. And even then it's not as funny as Abe Vigoda. The stuff that brings home the baco-bits around here is stuff that has you laughing within the first 5 seconds, regardless of how much time and skill you put into writing/photoshopping it all... Anyway, that's my two centavos!

Back to my regularly-scheduled flame war, Ravensig.jpg (talk) 16:00, 6 Jan 2006 (UTC)
Even more amazing is that I don't even own or have access to photoshop. Prettiestpretty 16:22, 6 Jan 2006 (UTC)
But that's the point - it don't matter how sophisticated the software is, it's the idea that counts. However, if you did have Photoshop, you could use the "Publish For Web" feature, and the pic would be 72 DPI instead of 300, and 10% of the current size - not that that's a big deal, but you did ask for feedback, and that's just the sort of dumb stuff I always notice for some reason. Ravensig.jpg (talk) 16:44, 6 Jan 2006 (UTC)