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xx_noobslayer69_xx is often credited with the inspiration for Despacito

Despacito is an espanol songspanol with cinco billion views. It is widely regarded as the theme song for the hit sitcom known as “The world” Despacito is thought of as the Song of Songs, and a holy song of the gods.

Despacito is a dubstep punk rock hit by the band ”Despacito Dudes”, naming themselves after their hit song that everyone loves.


The song Despacito is one of lyrical genius.

*Verse 1*


Uno dos tres, yo hablar espanol

Quatro cinco, Your Mom despacito



I have autism

*Verse 2*

Move to Israel


Steve Jobs is an alien


*Verse 3*

I like to get drunkidido to

avoid my problemidos

I hate men, eat a chode

*Chorus x2*


My Mom has cancer



The band “Despacito Dudes”, called “Eat Shit Cohen” before their success, was a band little known about. Their most popular song before Despacito was “I have“, a song about depression. Shortly after this, lead singer Vladimir Putin killed himself. Putin was replaced with Bob Saget, the current lead singer, and the singer for Despacito.

On September 11, 2001, Bob Saget witnessed a great display of wealth and power in New York, and was inspired to write about what it would be like to be powerful. 3 days later, Despacito was made. It wasn’t too popular at first, until footage was leaked of YouTuber PewDiePie furiously masturbating to the song. The song blew up after that

Sequel Rumors[edit]

Yesterday, Markiplier met up with Bob Saget and talked about a new song. A week after the meeting, Markiplier confirmed a sequel to the hit song Despacito, while Saget and his band insisted a sequel would never happen. The public wants a Despacito 2, nicknamed Despacidos, while the Despacito Dudes refuse. However, drummer Leonard Cohen hinted at a possible song called Dospacito, which excited many people. Unfortunately, it’s been a month and Dospacito isn’t out yet. Not even a Preview. Godammit, Bob Saget, we want the fucking song. Hurry up!