Category:User css

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Users that speak CSS.

  • 0 User does not understand this language. Probably same with HTML.
  • 1 User has basic understanding of this language thanks to one lesson in middle school that was latter forgotten about and likely still doesn't grasp selectors.
  • 2 User has intermediate understanding of this language, and also might have an understanding of HTML5.
  • 3 User has advanced understanding of this language and seems to actually get CSS3 and the arcane art of using the box model.
  • 4 User has near-native understandingof this language, but most likely has started preferring SCSS for his job.
  • N User is a native speaker of this language, and is thus most likely the creator of the Arc theme.
  • A User speaks this language with a thick accent spiced with extreme amounts of -webkit- and -moz- prefixes.
  • E User learned this language in school and never used it since, because he thinks pure unstyled HTML is enough.
  • F User got an F in this language.
  • G User wants to remove this language from existence over a layout-related headache.
  • L User has a sexy lisp that affects how they speak this language. Feasible because a Lisp-to-JavaScript transpiler should exist somewhere.
  • P User is a profane speaker of this language. Says !important every other rule.
  • X User only speaks this language enough to seduce other Internet users. chick { hair-color: blonde; hotness: 100%; breast-size: 500px; position: your-area }

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