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CUCU Member

CUCU or Certifiable UnNews Columnist UnOrganization, for short, stands for the highest standards of grammatical ... whatever...we just sit around and have parties and get drunk.

In order to be a part of this unorganization, all you have to do is place these templates properly, and whammo you're in! Oh, and don't forget to write a few article for UnNews, that may be the important part, but we're checking the byelaws. Also, you have to wear panties on your head at your first social.

Instructions for use[edit]

The templates to use are:

{{CUCU|name=[Insert your name here]}}



  1. Place the {{CUCU_tag}} somewhere on your user page.
  2. Place the {{CUCU}} in the User:yourname/CUCU page.
  3. The cucu_tag will auto link to the award page with your name on it.

Please see the talk pages on each template for instructions on how to place each for display. Stand tall, be proud, you're CUCU.

The Certification[edit]

[Insert your name here]


Sample Articles[edit]

These articles are of low quality, and were originally sporked from Wikipedia News articles...
If you have ever written (or not) something better than the following articles, then by all means come by our main office and grab your personalized certificate!!

Yesterday, an oven peevishly bamboozled times one straight freedom fighter[edit]

Porchesia -- In general, the straight freedom fighter had peevishly deconstructed the straight scrolls times an oven. In general, straight and straight scrolls bamboozled times an oven times an oven. The straight scrolls peevishly bamboozled times one straight freedom fighter.
"Holy flerking shnit, an oven has bamboozled the peevishly straight freedom fighter," said Wario, times the way times the freedom fighter. "Holy flerking shnit, it was straight . . . "

Holy flerking shnit, Wario's freedom fighter peevishly bamboozled an oven[edit]

Porchesia -- In general, the straight freedom fighter had peevishly deconstructed the scrolls times Wario. In general, straight and straight scrolls bamboozled and peevishly bamboozled times the freedom fighter. The scrolls peevishly bamboozled one straight freedom fighter.
Wario peevishly said, "In general, the straight freedom fighter has peevishly deconstructed the freedom fighter times the straight scrolls. In general, straight and straight scrolls bamboozled peevishly . . . "

In general, an oven was peevishly deconstructed[edit]

Porchesia -- Wario peevishly added, "In general, the straight freedom fighter had peevishly deconstructed the straight scrolls times scrolls. In general, straight and straight scrolls bamboozled peevishly times straight scrolls."
Wario had this to say, "Holy flerking shnit, we had peevishly straight straight scrolls. Holy flerking shnit! In general, thats it!"

In general, an oven peevishly bamboozled one freedom fighter's straight freedom fighter[edit]

Porchesia -- According to Wario, times the straight freedom fighter, "Holy flerking shnit, Wario's freedom fighter was peevishly deconstructed. In general, whatever happens, happens! Holy flerking shnit!"
In general, the straight scrolls bamboozled a straight or straight freedom fighter. In general, the freedom fighter peevishly deconstructed the straight scrolls times the freedom fighter times one straight freedom fighter.
"In general, whatever you do, don't hit reload," states an anonymous UnNews writer. "You'll be rewriting history...oh alright...Holy flerking shnit! Do it, you know you want to!"