West Country article as written by a West Country farmer

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Ooh arr, me luvlys, wulcum to tharr arrticle.

Ooh arr! That there West Country is an arearr in thar West of England. The arearr begins in Hareforrdsherr in the Wast Mudlands, n extends doiwn soweth to Carnwoill. If yer in th West Country yoi'll luv arples n' scrumpy an yoi'll most loikely be a farmerr, ooh arr!

Ploices in tharr West Cointry[edit]

  • Haredforrdsherr
  • Woistarsharr
  • Glasterrshoir
  • Carnwoill
  • Zomerzet
  • Dorrset
  • Davensherr
  • Wiltsherr
  • Bristoil

Things that poiple in the West Country do[edit]

Arr typicul phoitograrrph frum that therr West Country.

Poiple in tharr West County arr offen faarrmers n they loik drinkin scrumpy n growen apple trois so they ave apples, ooh arr! In Glastersherr they ave luvley cathedrels. Poipol from Harefordsherr ave caows with fluffy foices, ooh arr!

How poipl from therr West Country spoik, ooh arr![edit]

Poiple from the West Country loik sayin' "ooh arr" a lot beccass dats the woi thay spoik, ooh arr! Becos ov ow thay spoik everywun thoinks thay be faarrmers, which actuloy be true, ooh arr!