Uncyclopedia:Legal Department/lawsuggestions
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Suggestions of laws below[edit]
We seriously need to do something about something and quick. Write the law NOW. -- Style Guide 13:10, December 8, 2009 (UTC)
Newb Proposal[edit]
I, User:Happytimes, have been giving this new-fangled Unlegal department some of my best thoughts lately. Some things have come to mind... (Lawyers speak in third person right?) Ahem, ~H~ *CA* lack of orginazation, *CA* no legal dictionary set-up yet, *CA* lack of significant pay for ~H~. See summons if it be to please you.
Minimum Paragraph Limit Proposal[edit]
I think this site needs a law that articles need to at least have Four to five paragraphs in length and each paragraph must have up two four or five sentences, unless otherwise stated. Because we all hate short articles, right? crowd:RIGHT!!!. Enough said.--Director
YOU 333 06:29, January 17, 2010 (UTC)