Esti un prost, nici macar nu esti original, ia pula ( - this commment seems to belong to some idiot unable to use English).
ooo, yes, logan. the car of my dreams. i hope one day to have enough money to buy one. if i can't buy a logan, well, i have to deal with my father's maybach. brilliant car i tell you. to bad that the american people can't enjoy quality cars made in afghanistan (bombs included for the american version).
-- 15:20, 15 Aug 2005 (UTC)
Nice! And because I liked the article, i give you something in change:
If you want to be my friend, take my pussy in your hand!
P.S. Muie cu cacat!
Nice! And because I liked the article, i give you something in change:
If you want to be my friend, take my mum in your hand! marfa de marfa logan asta! Si se mai spune ca are firewall? da ce mai are poate ca la primii 100 km ai pica relati-ul in baie frate sa te caci de ras!
P.S. Muie cu cacat!
hardly thought it was unfunny... But at least you.
you forgot the african zdrang zdrang rhytms that arise from every corner. especially when driving on bumpy paths. and for the rest, oooo, Logan Guru, I may quote Forrest Gump: shit happens
Na la pula mah ...(eng: Suck it big time - from someone who know some english... too bad you don't speak romanian)
If Logan is so big, imagine how smart are you to own one. U can replace the :"Shit happens" with...... "dacia happens" Or , simply, u can use the "dacia" word if u r mad and dont want to use anything else like: "fuck", "shit" or why not "oltzit". Another "car" made by romania for internal use before 1990.
Dacia Club Forum[edit]
We thank you for proving that you are yet another Romanian sick of shit.
I hope 2007 will bring you all the best.
It must be really good to be you.
Se pare ca s-au suparat posesorii de Logan :)) Frate, ce mandri sunt de supermasinuta lor. Sa nu zici nimic de rabla ca ii deranjaza. Zilnic mor cativa de-astia incercand sa arate ca au masina. Treziti-va!
The Logan drivers must be mad! :)) My God, they are proud of their litle supercar. Don't say anything about their scrap, they will be bothered. There are daily car crashes with Logan drivers trying to proove that they have a car. Wake up!