HowTo:Revise A Essay
Inna preveeus artikle, I splain how to write a essay. In dis un, I splain to yo sorree ass how 2 proofreed, eddit, & revise a essay, butt becuz that to long 4 a tytle, I simplify it by juss sayin it bout how to revise a essay. Ferst tings ferst, nevur ooze da werd Spuck.
In diz artuckle, ewe goin too lern how to prroofreed, eddit, & revise a essay. Here how:
Proofreed it[edit]
Number 1, proofreed the damn thing. That mean reed it. Butt reed it like sumbuddy else dun rote it. Look for Miss Takes. Look fur errurs. Doan be playin the fool & be sayin u iz puffick & doan make no Miss Takes, cuz u ain't & you knows it. Be realztic, dude.
Look fur mizzspell wurdz[edit]
Look for mizzspell wurds. You shoulda dun a speel chick awreedy, butt maybe u hit Skip when u should of hit Change. Uff u did, the cumpooter left that mizzspell wurd the way it wuz--mizzspell. Doan balme duh cimpooter. It juss a mahchine, doin whut you toll it 2 dew. If ewe do fine a mizzdpell wird, u has 2 chooses. One, u kin change it so it spell kurreckt. 2, iff ewe doan know how to spell it (& probly you doan, that y it mizzspell in duh 1st place), use a different wurd, call a cinnamon (or maybe it "cinnamun"). Anyway, it a different wurd dat meen the same thing. (Y they have different wurds wen they mean thee same thin? So you be abul 2 spell.)
Look fore wrong wirding[edit]
Also, make shore you dint use the wrong wurd fore thee write wurd. Fir sample, ewe mite wanna said "cat," butt u write "pussy" n-stead. Everybuddy no whut "pussy" meen, & it doan have nuthin 3 dew with kats, cept maybe they both be furry. So, change "pussy" too "kat," and you have kurrecl amuuder errurr--see y make sum, affer all, juss like I tell ewe sorree ass.
Eddit it[edit]
You kin skip dis step, cuz I ain't too shore whut it mean, anyway. WAIT! I juss rememmer. Eddit mean check the pikkers in yore essay. Make sure the illustrachuns is good. This step ez, beecuz one the editors replace them wiff the same graphic, sayin the ringinul ines wuz too nasty & had too bee replace:
Revise it[edit]
When you revise yore essay, ewe moves chunks of it around. Butt doan tuch the theeziss! Most teacherz want it rite where you all ready putt it--the lass sennence of thee 1st (innerduchun paragrab). Also, doan move thee tropical sentences--the teacherz want them to start up they buddy paragrabs. Butt ewe kin move any of the stuff inside the buddy paragtans, pr even the innerduchun or the kunclooshun paragrabs--the gutts of the essay--all u want: the teacher like that.
Here a sample. The 2nd buddy paeagrab of yoye essay red:
- Anudder t shirt chix ware too be funny is i wish these were brains. This shirt funny cuz it got gramma arrowz init. The dum bitch put "these" instead of "them" & a "s" on "brain," like she have more than 1 (wishful thinkin, cuz she a blind blonde. Chix wiff big boobs allwayz want more brain, & a brainknee bitch allwayz want bigger tits. That whut this shirt sayin. Also, this shirt funny cuz a chik kant have a brain in her titties, no matter how big they bee. Only the head have a brain (less it a dickhead, ha ha). (Don't be fraid 2 use sum hoomer; teechers luv dat shit, think it "wittee.")
1st, take out thatt lass sennence bout hoomer. It ain't part of thee essay. It juss whut they call a aside. That meen it like gossip. It mint 2 inform the student when U wuz teechin him (or herr) how 2 bee funy. (Win u take out sumthin, dat cull "d-lete," witch kin also be spell "deeleet." Like when the mob make a jit on sumbuddy, dat a deleet.)
Move stuff around[edit]
Nexx, now move the last too sennences up, behind the 1st sennence, witch be the paragrab's tropical sennece:
- Anudder t shirt chix ware too be funny is i wish these were brains. That whut this shirt sayin. Also, this shirt funny cuz a chik kant have a brain in her titties, no matter how big they bee. Only the head have a brain (less it a dickhead, ha ha). This shirt funny cuz it got gramma arrowz init. The dum bitch put "these" instead of "them" & a "s" on "brain," like she have more than 1 (wishful thinkin, cuz she a blind blonde. Chix wiff big boobs allwayz want more brain, & a brainknee bitch allwayz want bigger tits.
D-leet unnecezary wurds[edit]
Nexx, take out "blind" if front of "blonde" in duh nexx-two-lass sennence, cuz they no need too repeet the same wurd twice, specially if they spelt diffrunt:
- Anudder t shirt chix ware too be funny is i wish these were brains. That whut this shirt sayin. Also, this shirt funny cuz a chik kant have a brain in her titties, no matter how big they bee. Only the head have a brain (less it a dickhead, ha ha). This shirt funny cuz it got gramma arrowz init. The dum bitch put "these" instead of "them" & a "s" on "brain," like she have more than 1 (wishful thinkin, cuz she a blonde. Chix wiff big boobs allwayz want more brain, & a brainknee bitch allwayz want bigger tits.
Repeet the prosiss[edit]
Due the same thing to yore 1st and 3rd paragrabs (and the innerduchun * konclooschun paragrabs, doan 4git dim) * that it! Ewe is done! You proofred, eddited, & revised yore essay, & it is much bedder now. Instead of a "F," you mit get a "A' now.
Extra tip[edit]
P. S. In the 1st essay, I said if you can't find a way too make the essay long enuf, maybe talk bout the girlz' racks. I think that mute get yore ass in trubble, so, while you proofreedin, edditin, & revisin, may bee you should take out that stuff, two.
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