I had the best time of my life getting gout.
~ Oscar_Wilde on getting Gout.
Gout is a wonderful betterment one aquires imbibing and ingesting wonderful liveations and fine foods. God gives it to the rich as a blessing to those willing to help the less fortunite by sparing their caviar and previous seasons linens and other fine acts of kindness benifiting the deserving.
Some less scurouplous philiathropists give to the undeserving in the hopes of being granted gout first before their fellow peers aquire it but god like Santa knows all and sees all and forces the enablors of useless eaters to wait longer for their gout to come in.
Once a social gets their gout They enjoy sitting alot more and philosphocials about war and peace and the effects on their protfolios regarding both the afore mentioned. Tis good to be rich if only for the Gout.