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 Awwwwww, you figured it out! Score: 10000000000000000000000000000 Moves: 1000

You killed Grue-Slayer...or not...

Grue slayer turns into Charon the Immortal.

> Use magic powers of the egg

The egg emits powerful energy, turning you into Chuck Norris.

Charlie HP: 500000/500000 MSP: 10000000/10000000

You HP: 200000000000000000000/200000000000000000000 MSP: Infinite (Woohoo!)

> Touch Charlie

Charlie suffers 6000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points of physical damage and drops a piece of egg.

> Piece egg together

The unifying core has been added. The true power of the egg can now be released!

A giant grue steps out.

> Un1345h t3h p0w3r

> Use penultimate crappin' idiotic lame crazy anyhow style lousy grue-slaying kick

Giant grue dies out of your lameness.

You turn back into yourself.

Displaced energy kills 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 grues (and eurgs). Oh yes, Charon exploded too.

And suddenly a portal opens and sucks all your remaining awesome into it.

> WTF?! I didn't even get, like 10 seconds to be awesome!

Sucks to be you. Anyway, come through it already. Since I didn't get you eaten by a Grue in these two Zorks, I need another try. Oh, and you're a cheater, nyah.

> Loser!

Shut the hell up. You're not awesome anymore so I can summon a Grue right now to eat you. Now...

On a side note, take this trophy below. It makes you 20% more delicious. Grues are so gonna love this...

> I hate you.

Would you click the damn portal already? This page is getting long because of your whining!

Your Trophy[edit]

Now that you've beaten Zork 2, you can add the following trophy to your user page:

Z2 This user has united the Golden Egg of Arkora and beaten Zork 2: Gruel and Unusual Punishment.