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 Paradox Score: -0 Moves: Yak

Oh, no, you don't.

I won't have people creating paradoxes or things sprouting smaller (or larger) things to an infinitesmal value.

The only good thing that comes from that is that you get a nice game of BSOD.

So here, this is your reward. You shall endure a swift, painless death, which is actually a treasure compared to the other gristly ones in this game.

But, first, try this complementary Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie.

And, true to its word, the cookie has just the right texture and crispness, and the chocolate chips are at exactly the right moistness. The sheer perfection of it it takes your mind off the fact that you are euthanised seconds afterward. Aren't you lucky?

*** Your James Over ***

World you'll like to star dover, restall as saved position, or end its essense of Zork? (type RESTORT, RESTORT, or QUITE):