Game:Zork/Biocomplex4 7

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 A funny death awaits you! Score: 80 Moves: 44

> use ATM

You insert the ATM card in to the ATM and punch in the proper PIN. You hear a series of beeping noises, followed by a mechanical voice saying "Insufficient funds for transfer." Then, due to being soaked by ceiling sprinklers, the ATM short-circuits, detonating its self-destruct explosives.

You dodge the blast, but a single high-speed gold coin flies out...

...and bounces off your garbage can shield which you're holding in front of you...

...flies across the room...

...and thumps against a hand-towel shoved into a gap in the wall...

...and lands on a bathrobe covering a drainage grate in the floor...

...where a Mini-Cleaner Droid scoops it up and dashes toward a flap in the other wall... front of which a leather carry-bag has been placed...

...causing the Droid to crash against it and flip the coin into the air...

...where it is caught by a Hover-Cleaner Droid soaring in from the other room...

...which then gets tangled in a net placed on the ceiling...

...which pulls the rope tied to it...

...which pulls out the safety pin...

...causing the 16-ton weight directly above you to drop.

You only have just enough time to produce a tiny umbrella from behind your back and raise it above your head before the 16,000 kilogram weight hilariously kills you.

Hold you encounter your death, your spirit floats out of your body and suddenly collapses, and as you fall helplessly to the ground, still in your ghostly state, you sparkle and glitter, and as you hit the ground (not that you feel it, for you're a ghost), your body starts to shimmer in all sorts of colours. Confusion reigns over you and asks you what is happening. Suddenly, your body starts disappearing, and in the confusion, you black out just as your head disappears.

Sometime later, you open your eyes and find you're back in the nondescript room! Your spirit is back in your body, which remarkably has no scratches or marks from your previous encounter! Phew, you've survived another one of those untimely deaths! You give thanks to the narrator, your god, for keeping you alive and praise him for letting you restart without dying! Oh, to make sure it's the nondescript room, you'll have to look to see if the Grue's here.

> look

Oh, never mind, you got eaten by the Grue anyway.