Game:Zork/Biocomplex4 4

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 Biocomplex Score: 80 Moves: 44

> use ATM

You insert the ATM card in to the ATM and punch in the proper PIN. You hear a series of beeping noises, followed by a mechanical voice saying "Insufficient funds for transfer." Then, due to being soaked by ceiling sprinklers, the ATM short-circuits, detonating its self-destruct explosives.

You dodge the blast, but are shot in the heart by a shower of freshly minted gold zorkmids.

And don't think you're gonna earn an extra life from a hundred of those babies, either.

*** Ouyay avehay iedday ***

Ouldway ouyay ikelay otay artstay overway, estoreray away avedsay ositionpay, orway endway isthay essionsay ofway orkZay? (Ypetay ESTARTRAY, ESTORERAY, ORWAY ITQUAY)