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 Area 51 Score: ? Moves: ?

> Cheat

What the hell are you doing here?


You weren't supposed to find this secret narration compartment!

> Do

Can't you read, you dumb fuck! The sign on that barbed wire fence says, unauthorized persons will be FUCKING shot!

> Oh shit sorry

What am I paying you losers for? Guards!!!

*Intruder Alert*

*Intruder Alert*

*All personnel please report immediately to the compartment nobody was supposed to find*

"There he is! Someone give me the rocket launcher!"


It appears that the last blow was too much for you. I'm afraid that you are dead.

As you take your last breath, you feel relieved of your burdens. The feeling passes as you find yourself before the gates of Hell, where the spirits jeer at you and deny you entry. Your senses are disturbed. The objects in the dungeon appear indistinct, bleached of color, even unreal.

> examine me

You appear to be made of a translucent floating white substance. There seems to be a golden halo hovering above your head.