Forum:UFFL 2010 Results

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Forums: Index > BHOP > UFFL 2010 Results
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5204 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

So, fellow fantasy footballers, the 2010 fantasy season is finally over, which means now we can stop worrying about fantasy and actually sit down and enjoy the upcoming real playoffs. Before that can happen, though, results must be posted.

All Participants

Everyone who participated is entitled to place this template on their userpage with pride:

Sixth Place

Finishing in sixth place this year was DrStrange, who had a fantastic regular season only to lose in back-to-back playoff games. For this feat he will be receiving this:

Fifth Place

I, Guildensternenstein, your commissioner, finished in fifth, which ranks among my most disappointing seasons ever. For my yearlong underachievement I have made the following template for myself:

Fourth Place

Coming in a respectable fourth place is everyone's favorite penis enthusiast RAHB, who can take home this equally respectable award:

Third Place

Finishing in a solid third place this season is The Woodburninator, who can boast to be the first player in the history of the UFFL to finish in the top 3 in back-to-back seasons. Here is his resplendent template, named after a long-dead NFL commissioner that lent his name to a short-lived NFL 3rd place playoff game:

Second Place

Coming in a very good but ultimately disappointing second place is CheddarBBQ, whose Eagles-intensive team lost when, unsurprisingly, the Eagles did as well. Here is his fitting template:

First Place

Winning the league championship this year is Bradaphraser, who, quite frankly, consistently and thoroughly dominated all season long. Congratulations, sir, your championship is well deserved. Here is your template:

Other Awards I Didn't Feel Like Making Templates For

  • Bill Walsh Best Draft Award: Bradaphraser, for taking Calvin Johnson, Roddy White, Hakeem Nicks, and Jason Witten in back-to-back-to-back-to-back rounds (holy shit), stealing Matt Forte, and banking on Drew Brees with his first pick.
  • Wes Welker Waiver Wire Watcher Award: DrStrange, for making a ton of ballsy waiver wire pickups and plays the last third of the season.
  • Josh McDaniels Memorial Awful Fucking Trades Award: Guildensternenstein (me), for trading away Arian Foster (seemed like a good idea at the time), trading away Michael Vick (ditto), and, though not technically a trade, dropping Brandon Lloyd for John Kuhn was a pretty awful fucking decision too.

Final Thoughts

I just want to say that I had a ton of fun running this bitch again this year, and I want to thank all of those who played. Can't want for next year.

Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 18:05, December 30, 2010 (UTC)


  • Still Doesn't Understand The Sport Despite Trying His Best Award: UU, who even watched a couple of games as research. As far as I understand it, the rules involve talking about a "Brett Farve", or someone, even if they're not playing for either of the teams involved. How does that get anyone points? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 18:36, Dec 30
  • Miraculously Won a Game Despite Having the Worst Team in the History of Fantasy Football: Neox, who had 5 of 7 lineup players with 0% starting. I LOVE YOU JENNY!!Jenny? 04:17,31December,2010