Forum:Manning can go suck on a penis.

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Manning can go suck on a penis.
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5504 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.


Nice. Icons-flag-it.png Don AAN.jpgOberst.jpg Puttano cHeDDs Jenny Spy Revised Again.jpg Leprechaun army.jpg TMMAN.jpeg Missmurder.jpeg SCBBQGPOS.jpg User talk:CheddarBBQ 00:42,9February,2010

The best part is when the receiver ran a skinny post and Manning threw an in route. Gee, I wonder who messed that one up.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 02:02, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
Manning did. Icons-flag-it.png Don AAN.jpgOberst.jpg Puttano cHeDDs Jenny Spy Revised Again.jpg Leprechaun army.jpg TMMAN.jpeg Missmurder.jpeg SCBBQGPOS.jpg User talk:CheddarBBQ 03:16,9February,2010
I put the Brett Favre (now Peyton Manning) page up on UnNews again, but only for awhile, then I'll revert it back to Favre. Favre and Manning, intertwined now in NFL history, but that Drew Breese is laughing all the way to Bourbon Street. Aleister in Chains 3:58 9 Feb. MMX
Uh, given Manning's track record, I'd be willing to bet that play was the reciever's fault. If the QB throws it before the reciever cuts, and the reciever runs the wrong route, the QB looks bad. Just sayin'.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 12:13, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
Ya know, I hate how everyone goes on and on about how great of a leader Manning is, but if a mistake is made, it's not his fault. If he's the great leader everyone says he is, he'd know to think ahead, and would've thrown somewhere else or thrown out of bounds. Porter was covering the receiver excellently, and Manning should've expected that he'd be all over it. Icons-flag-it.png Don AAN.jpgOberst.jpg Puttano cHeDDs Jenny Spy Revised Again.jpg Leprechaun army.jpg TMMAN.jpeg Missmurder.jpeg SCBBQGPOS.jpg User talk:CheddarBBQ 20:25,9February,2010
Well, there is the four MVP's he's won, but you're probably right. He sucks.--<<Bradmonogram.png>> 04:08, February 10, 2010 (UTC)
Good to see your coming around. Icons-flag-it.png Don AAN.jpgOberst.jpg Puttano cHeDDs Jenny Spy Revised Again.jpg Leprechaun army.jpg TMMAN.jpeg Missmurder.jpeg SCBBQGPOS.jpg User talk:CheddarBBQ 04:12,10February,2010
Bullshit. He played damn near perfect up to that point, and then drove them 80 yards in nary a minute after. At least he didn't throw across his body rolling out to the right running for his life after getting his ass kicked all day, though. The better team did win that day, however, I will admit that. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 06:24, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
That's terrible. And the ref didn't call a penalty? Clearly both teams have too many men on the ice. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 08:40, February 9, 2010 (UTC)
Y'know, I'm pretty sure all those words are in English, and that still didn't make any sense to me. --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 09:10, Feb 9
Brett Favre is the Jay Leno of football. He was the best in his time, but that time has been over for a loooong while. Retire. NOW. Icons-flag-it.png Don AAN.jpgOberst.jpg Puttano cHeDDs Jenny Spy Revised Again.jpg Leprechaun army.jpg TMMAN.jpeg Missmurder.jpeg SCBBQGPOS.jpg User talk:CheddarBBQ 11:57,9February,2010
The article is now reverted back to Favre. More like Letterman. Favre did have one of his best years (maybe because the Vikings had more quality players than he had ever played with before), so I hope he comes back. He's only three away from 500 touchdowns, and near 70,000 yards passing, which will be nice round "counting on the fingers primate style" numbers. Aleister in Chains 12:33 9 Feb. MMX