Forum:It's time to Rhyme

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Forums: Index > BHOP > It's time to Rhyme
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6150 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

I am truly disappointed that cruel fate has placed us in this position, such that I really have no choice other than to unleash my warriors against your population centres. If only you would lay aside these foolish hopes of protecting your resources and return to your homes and families, much bloodshed and woe could be avoided. Yet...there is still time, any who leave now will be spared and I give you my word that they will be granted free passage through the wastes. This offer of amnesty will stand for two of your hours before the terror begins anew. I can only hope that you consider your position carefully. Send forth a representative to discuss further terms if you wish, or send several if you cannot trust one of your number to speak for the rest. I feel sure that they all can be...accommodated. Yeah, I read your user-name policy and it's GayJorgen.gif 10:23, 26 August 2007 (UTC)

Nobody Cares. --Lord Fluffy who rains fire from the heavens 16:51, 26 August 2007 (UTC)

Wait. What does any of this have to do with rhyming? --Lord Fluffy who rains fire from the heavens 16:51, 26 August 2007 (UTC)

Is this another one of those, whadyacallem... true aspies? Man, we haven't had a good aspie rant since the Great Aspie War of Ought Six. Ж Kalir nobody knows my gender 17:19, 26 August 2007 (UTC)