Forum:Gradius - Game Over

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Gradius - Game Over
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6054 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

From User talk:Administrator:

I am thinking about getting the content that was last in the Gradius article moved to Illogicopedia. The article seems to have been deleted for the exact reason I tried to warn everyone about in the last forum topic discussing it, namely that the content is "obviously better suited for Illogicopedia than for Uncyclopedia." If an article like MP3 got moved to Illogicopedia, then why not this one? Sorry for not giving Administrator a little more time to respond. I'm not sure whether Administrator or anyone else is able or willing to rewrite the article, hence my present request for a move to Illogicopedia.

(P.S. For the n00bs who don't understand what's going on, the problem with the article was that it consisted of repeated insane raving derived from the game's powerup announcer. It might help to see Wikipedia for information on the game.) Pentium5dot1 05:40, 26 November 2007 (UTC)

OMG! Gradius got huffed?!? Well, move it if you must (it was a nonsense article after all, so it was kind of going to happen). Still, this makes it about half of my articles that have died. --SPY Administrator (Complain|I rock|In memoriam) HMRFRA Bluegarrisoncapsig.png Sucrose b.gif WH 11:21, 26 November 2007 (UTC)
I've moved it to User:Pentium5dot1/Gradius. Feel free to copy it to illogicopedia. You can even attribute it if you want. Or, seeing as it wasn't VFD'd or even tagged at the time, if you think it shouldn't have been deleted, you could always VFD it with a starting keep vote and explanation, to see if people actually want it to stay. And if they do, just move it back to where it was, if not, feel free to keep it in your userspace. Spang talk 18:34, 26 Nov 2007
  1. Shouldn't it have been moved to User:Administrator/Gradius instead? Also, even if I had been responsible for writing the article, my personal naming conventions for article storage in userspace dictate a title of User:Pentium5dot1/Storage facility/Gradius (sorry my userpage doesn't make this clear).
  2. The MP3 article was moved to Illogicopedia by the "import" function, as shown in the log. This preserves the page history under the actual history tab. I would prefer that the Gradius article get the same treatment from someone who has import rights on Illogicopedia, which is why I posted this forum topic in the first place instead of doing it myself. Pentium5dot1 04:02, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
  1. When somebody does you a favor, don't complain about how it's done. If you don't want it there, move it again.
  2. If you're looking for somebody with rights on Illogicopedia, try going on Illogicopedia to do it. If that doesn't work, try Hindleyite. Sig pic.PNG Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 04:09, 28 November 2007 (UTC)
  1. It's fine, you can move it wherever you want. Restored pages are usually just restored to a subpage of whoever asks for it, if you'd prefer it somewhere else, it's not a problem.
  2. Yeah, ask hindleyite (can't remember who else is a ?pedia admin here) here, or any active admin on ?pedia itself. Though there's no reason both wikis can't have the article. We can co-exist peacefully! Spang talk 07:00, 28 Nov 2007
So basically... what boomer said. But worded slightly differently. *runs out of topics to reply to* Spang talk 07:01, 28 Nov 2007

(arbitrary outdent) I apologize for being unappreciative. I have moved the page to User:Pentium5dot1/Storage facility/Gradius, but I will be busy with homework for the next couple of days and so will not be able to finish the job right away. Pentium5dot1 02:14, 30 November 2007 (UTC)

'sall ok. Just don't want nobody being a meanie to Spang. He's very sensitive, you know. Sig pic.PNG Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 02:51, 30 November 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, and I'm sure we all remember what happened last time someone was a meanie to Spang... ever see the movie Carrie? - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 02:56, Nov 30