Forum:Character Limit?

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Forums: Index > Help > Character Limit?
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6543 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

Hi. I wanted to know if there was a character limit on article titles. I was recently trying to create an article entitled "Fried Twinkie and Peanut Butter and Mayo and Ketchup and Lard and Banana and Refried Beans and Sour Cream and Guacamole and Chocolate and Bacon and Burger Patty and with Extra Cheese and Drizzled with Strawberry Sauce and Encased in Chocolate and Smothered in Fifteen Kinds of Cheeses and Fried Again and Covered in Hash Browns and Fried Again Sandwich", whose key points would include Elvis, McDonald's, and the economy, but when I did a search for it, I did not see the "Create this Article" option like I normally would. Is there a character limit or something?

Dothedew 22:28, 1 May 2007 (UTC)DothedewDothedew 22:28, 1 May 2007 (UTC)

Indeed there is a Character limit, not to sure what it though. You might want to shorten the title to just Fried Twinkie Sandwich anyway. People would probably get pissed if they had to read that entire thing and wouldn't bother reading the article. --Atomsk.gif Kaizer the Bjorn takkun Nya? (nya nya) (1961 model!) Check out T61! 23:56, 1 May 2007 (UTC)
You can have up to sixteen characters in your party, but only four can be in use at any one time. To swap out characters, press B button (R2 on PS/2). I checked your contribs and found that this was the only one...I take it you made it while an IP? It may have been deleted, or I should have looked in a place other than my sock drawer. One tip: make the page under your userpage,User:Dothedew/Fried Twinkie and Peanut Butter and Mayo and Ketchup and Lard and Banana and Refried Beans and Sour Cream and Guacamole and Chocolate and Bacon and Burger Patty and with Extra Cheese and Drizzled with Strawberry Sauce and Encased in Chocolate. Then, when the page is done, click "move", and bump the page out into mainspace. This will minimize the chance of it being deleted, or as we say, "huffed". Finally, to answer your question, 255 characters. --Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 01:59, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
Modusoperandi, by character limit I mean how many letters can be in an article title. I wanted to create this as an encyclopedia article.Dothedew 17:35, 2 May 2007 (UTC DothedewDothedew 17:35, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
255. I said it right there, after all the stuff I said that wasn't it. --Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 17:45, 2 May 2007 (UTC)
Alternatively, the answer to this question can be found on How many characters are allowed in an article title, the answer being 255, a limit which I imagine is set by some kind of filename convention rather than just someone saying "I know, let's piss off people who like making articles with really long titles" --Strange.PNG (but) Untrue  Whhhy?Whut?How? *Back from the dead* 17:56, 2 May 2007 (UTC)