Forum:Articles based on software translations

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Forums: Index > Village Dump > Articles based on software translations
Note: This topic has been unedited for 5714 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.

OK, so there have been a couple of articles on VFH that consisted mostly of software-translated text. I voted against featuring either one, mostly because I felt they provided no context or rationale for the translation. These kinds of translations can be really funny, though. So I'm experimenting with putting that kind of stuff into a framework so the reader understands what is going on. Pee Review is the usual place to ask for evaluations, but in this article -- a bit on Chinese herbal remedies -- I thought it would be fun to have Uncyc users post "testimonials" about their use of Chinese medicines. If you feel inclined to contribute a testimonial, go to Dr. Chen Chinese medicine for breathe delight and have at it. Be as silly as you want. It will all come out in the wash. This is just an experiment, a lark, a folly. ----OEJ 22:16, 5 October 2008 (UTC)

::sniff:: It wasn't mostly software-translated. You're mean! --monika 22:25, 5 October 2008 (UTC)
I like the translation articles. They make me feel fuzzy. -MafiaHatBrown.gif Velosi-T Icons-flag-us.png {] Screech * Vomit * Mutilations [} 00:09, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
To Monika: I'm sorry. Although in some cases I really am as mean as a snake with infected hemorrhoids, I try not to give offense to creative Uncyclers like yourself. I guess my point should have been that I -- being a cretinoid who is chronically stupid inside my brain -- think such articles can be better, and would like to find ways to do that. "Better" being of course subjective. If you point me at the article I was mean about then I will try to make it up to the author(s). ----OEJ 00:21, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
I always feel bad when people take me seriously. I was referring to the Marty Friedman article which has a (single, hidden on a subpage footnote) software translation joke, is on VFH, and was voted against by you, and therefore fit all the criteria to be an article you were talking about. I'm actually curious which articles you are actually talking about; I see Fu Yan Jie but not any others. ::confused::. --monika 00:27, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
Oh, I wasn't thinking about the Marty Friedman article(s) at all. (Maybe I am jaded from reading too many articles on musicians, or maybe it just went over my head. If so then I hope more people who DO get it chime in and push the vote the right way.) On the translation things, Fu Yan Jie was one and UnNews:Uncyclopedia Internal Security Department warns on Malaysia was the other. There's a beautiful huge amount of funny in them and there ought to be a way to introduce and structure the articles so as to release it. ----OEJ 00:53, 6 October 2008 (UTC)
Ah, I'd forgotten about the Malaysia one. Thanks. --monika 00:59, 6 October 2008 (UTC)