Forum:An IRC Problem...
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Note: This topic has been unedited for 6451 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.
I'm trying to access the IRC channel of the Uncyclopedian forces and as it wont work on the provided CGI web client I have a few questions...
One; if i cant access Uncyclopedian Forces on the CGI client is there another web based client that I can access it on?
Two; is the address as follows?:
port: 6667
channel: #uncyclopedianforces
Three; If there isn't a web based client that supports it are there any IRC clients that anyone else uses/recommends?
Thanks in advance, this is all a little over my head --
. 21:23, 1 August 2007 (UTC)- First of all, There was a web client at that worked like the CGI gateway Wikia used except that it supported any server and any channels, but that gateway is down. I have one on this page, but it requires java. Second: yes. Third: If you have Firefox, you could use ChatZilla. --Sir Starnestommy
(Talk • Contribs • CUN • Capt.) 03:34, August 2, 2007