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Note: This topic has been unedited for 6577 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over.
This is an offer to the Uncyc admins (not you loser IPs). BENSON proposes that next time he is permabanned for a valid reason like more sock puppets (more! more! MORE!), or some kind of mass vandalism, or something that is a reasonable reason to get permabanned for (not just Dawg banning me because he feels like it), BENSON will not fight the ban and will remain permabanned, but only if the BENSON reskin is finally used for June 4 each year to commemerate BENSON's migration to Uncyc. As annoying as I am, I am an important part of Uncyc history. How bout it? Benson 22:47, 1 March 2007 (UTC)
BENSON Reskin Upon Permabanment
Score: +0 Admins For A Monument for BENSON
BENSON Reskin Never
Score: +1 Non-notable people