File talk:Poshboy copy.jpg

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"Or else... I kill you"? Eh? That's the point of this April Fools image from the Guardian. --nldr 11:10, April 6, 2010 (UTC)

Using it for an UnNews article, if that's alright? Also, I figured not everyone would get it. I can remove it if you want? --Sir Sunbeam no u F@H KUN

Oh no, I don't have the right to tell someone what to do on this site. :) It's just I think the original image is good enough. I was pretty convinced that it'd do well for the election campaign anyway... --nldr 11:39, April 6, 2010 (UTC)
Okley dokley, changed it! Totally should be the official campaign poster! --Sir Sunbeam no u F@H KUN 11:43, April 6, 2010 (UTC)