Comadaidh Oir
Comadaidh Oir ("Comedy Gold") is a Gaelic-language television series shown on BBC2 Scotland. It is a theatre based comedy show mixed with the behind the scenes making of, showing the writers and the actors perspective. The 5 writers involved compete against each other to be crowned the Comedy King/Queen.
The first nights viewing figures shocked the BBC, as over fifteen million people were said to have watched the show. This caused the BBC to re-think their Gaelic output and have since put all Gaelic TV shows in a primetime position. A text message survey organised by The Sun newspaper confirmed the experts opinions that the public only tuned in to see Murdo Macsween.
It has been described in the past as a vehicle for Murdo Macsween's career, although the BBC refute this.
Series 1[edit]
Presented by Cathy Van and Morag Donaldach. Writers were Ricky Gervais, Frank, Domhnall beag an t-siucar and Gilleasbuig Ferguson. The most violent finale in Comadaidh Oir history took place in episode 4. Gilleasbuig and Ricky Gervais had tied in the voting and had to fight to the death, or until one of them uttered the secret words "peanuts". Gilleasbuig was victorious, using Cathy Van as a spear, he penetrated Ricky Gervais' chest, killing him instantly.
This is why no-one sees Ricky Gervais on TV anymore. No-one outside the Highlands know this though because they don't speak Gaelic.
Also Ruaridh Maciver appeared in this series, although since it was shown on TV, no-one can vouch for his existence. Most people now believe 'Ruaridh Maciver' was an apparition.
Series 2[edit]
Presented again by Cathy Van, albeit with scarring from her missile attack on Gervais, and Morag Donaldach. The winner of series 2 was Duncan Goodhew, but after the controversy that followed, his title of Comadaidh King was revoked due to the amazing gravitational pull of Murdo MacSween's enormous head. Astronomers and Astrologers alike are bemused (and let's be honest pissed off) that more sharp objects aren't drawn towards this dense unforgiving Mass (not the catholic type of mass... he's from Ness... I couldn't do the Niseach that mis-service)
Throughout this series the crew were unsettled by rhumors of his upright appendages. A professional Stephen Hawking impersonator by trade, Murdo MacSween has one ball the size of marrowfat pea and one shaped like a paperclip. His Penis however has been likened to baby corn, in size, texture and earthy flavour. All three of implements of destruction are permanently aimed directly at his head. Some believe this "Murdomenon" as it has become known is due to the gravitational pull of his ginormous head. Others believe that the gaseous atmosphere around his head consists entirely of Cathy Van's Oestrogen and this induced his hyper-state of arousal. Tests confirmed that Murdo's Oestrogen levels were larger than the average bear in mating season's would normally be and after careful deliberation a unanimus verdict was reached. Cathy Van's Tits are the best thing on Gaelic Radio.
In series 2, usually nicknamed the Murdo Macsween series, riots ensued on the streets of Glasgow when in episode 6 Murdo was denied the overall victory, and the crown of Comedy King, when young upstart Cailean Collier was awarded the trophy. It has since been discovered that Cailean Collier swayed the audience votes by wearing short trousers.
Starring Roles[edit]
Murdo Macsween AKA the Comadaidh Oir Bus
Any other reference to stars were minimal. We have decided not to bother naming them.
People who like the show[edit]
- Desmond Tutu.
- The people of Na h-Eileanan Siar.
- Murdo Macsweens enemies.
- John Parrot.
- The blonde chick in the wheelchair in the Office series 2.
- Kenneth Neil Cunningham, not be mistaken with Kenny Cunningham, the professional football player.
People who do not like the show[edit]
- Lesbians who stay in the Caberfeidh Hotel.
- Robbie Savage.
- Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers.
- Charlie, whoever he is.
- MJ Maclean
- David Harris
- the free church... cos laughing is for sinners
- Murdo Macsween did not create this page.
- Embarrassingly nicknamed Com-diddy Oir by the jealous folk of the FIRST SERIES. Oh what a shame!
- When filming, gets mistaken for CARE IN THE COMMUNITY staff training video thanks to the dodgy writers.