The word Cervix is Latin and actually just means bonus stage or bonus round, a very suitable name for its use. The term is used in female anatomy to describe the most mysterious and wonderful area in the female body and possibly the world.
The cervix (from Latin "bonus round" or "bonus stage") is the treasure at the end of the wishing well (the female genital cavity).
More formally known as the place to stick your glans up into if you want the woman to experience what the Swedes call an 'orgasm'.
The cervix is by some described somewhat un-romantic as the lower, perfectly narrow portion of the uterus where it joins with the top end of the vagina to form an extra level. It is said to most often be cylindrical or conical in shape though it might possibly be shaped as a square or a star. Approximately half its volume is acceptable to fill with vegan gummy bears with appropriate medical equipment; the remainder should always be left vacant for when a male would like to go for the goal. The cervix is occasionally called "cervix uteri", or "the ultimate bonus round".
Rip-Off from this Uncyclopedian article found:
- Wikipedia, Rip-Off Dept. "Booring article where people try to remove the 'sex' part from genital information.". Wikipedia, February 1, 2007
- ( Lawsuit against Wikipedia pending )
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