Raymond Terrace, New South Wales

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Bogans being bogans after they burnt their house down in an attempt to raise money from the local community because they're bogans.

Raymond Terrace is a medieval town full of bogans located just outside of Newcastle and near the even more medieval town of Medowie.

The town was founded by some pommy named Raymond, and the locals have yet to find any Terrace to speak of. The local council, who discriminate relentlessly against scooter riders and skateboarders, are based in Raymond Terrace, but nobody's really sure why as they think their council is only in Nelson Bay, resulting in the rest of their areas being neglected.


The local folk are an ancient Aboriginal tribe named the Terrecians, and their allies are the closely related tribe of the Novocastrians. There's a population of about 15,000 of these, with only small groups of people breaking away from the typical bogan characteristics. Most of them live in the area usually called Lakeside, which is full of retards and fireman. The rest of the population live in Brown Street (insert witty insult about deros here) or Riverview Ridge, where the rich people live.


Some lazy cunts fishing from their banged up piece of shit ute on the river.

Hunter River - Most of the Aboriginals come here to catch their dinner. Occasionally you'll get some rubbish on your hook. The Aboriginals also eat this for dinner.

Youthie - Where the future council workers begin their lives, the Raymond Terrace youthie(s) are 14-year-olds who have nothing better to do then go play pool. If you go to any of these youthies, you're a dero and should not even have an internet connection. Or maybe your're at the...

Library - The books here rarely get used (except for the occasionally cook-book and Twilight books). There's also a single computer built in 1986 that some of the local Aboriginals try to use. They usually end up punching the monitor though, as it's much too hard for them.

Shopping Centre - Populated by ferret-faced security guards, the local shopping centre is right in the middle of town. Inside are a whole bunch of stores, mainly run by people who live outside of Raymond Terrace. There's another shopping centre that is populated by old people who can't remember where the new shops are.

Police Station - The most active and most used building by staff and local community members alike, the Port Stephens Local Command police station, which is based in the old gym, is staffed by overweight donut-eating cops. Every single member of Raymond Terrace has had at least one visit to this building, although some visit it a ton more than others.

Court House - The second most used part of Raymond Terrace, the court house is where dickheads who had a one-night stand with some council worker file for their divorces, fucking up their Aboriginal child's life and subsequently losing all their money to hire a Soliciter to use at the Court House.

Port Stephens Council

Pretty good photo for some 30 year old bitchy bogan.

Located in the middle of town and staffed by staff that are such pussies that they need to build their chambers directly behind the police station. This council enjoys leaving potholes in the roads and making big deals about little things. Most of the deros that live in Brown Street could do a better job than these upper-class snobs who'd rather bitch about their issues and waste time writing in articles for the local newspaper rather then do their job properly.


Some P plater dickwads making their bad car worse by crashing it into some Aboriginal's house.

Nobody in Raymond Terrace can afford musical instruments, so many of the local revert to using makeshift instruments, such as shoelaces (which are very cheap here) and rubber bands (they come with the local newspapers). No music is ever made from Raymond Terrace and due to nobody being able to afford music players, no music is played, resulting in fuck all of a music scene and a bad place for bands to play live.