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/* <nowiki> Styles go below this line */

/* After the May 2018 changes there is only one skin, so this page and MediaWiki:Common.css are
 * both sitewide for all users. All site CSS should be located here in case the latter is
 * disabled again.

/* custom css test */
@import url('/load.php?debug=false&lang=en&mode=articles&articles=MediaWiki:Giant_fanged_hams.css&only=styles');

/* If you want your code to work on Internet Explorer, don't use the value "initial". It doesn't
 * recognize it.

.i18ndoc {
    background-color: #FFF77D;
    border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey;
    font-family: monospace;
    font-size: 8pt;
    height: 140px;
    overflow: auto;
    padding: 3px;

/* Make tags bold to stand out on RecentChanges; can worry about fanciness later. */
.mw-tag-marker {
	font-style: italic;
	font-weight: bold;

/* Hide Oasis Gallery Add feature from other skins - Lyrithya */
.wikia-gallery-add { display: none !important; }

/* Stop references from breaking up paragraphs -Lyrithya */
.reference { line-height: 90%; }

/* Puts a redirect indicator before redirects in Special:Allpages -Spl */
.redirect-in-category,.allpagesredirect { font-style: italic; }
.redirect-in-category,.allpagesredirect a { 
	background: url(/images/5/5c/Allpagesredirect.gif) center left no-repeat; 
	padding-left: 13px; 

/* Class to force links to be underlined --Paulgb */
/* To use: <span class="underlinelink">[[link]]</span>
.underlinelink a { text-decoration: underline !important; }

/* Class to force links to be not underlined - See .underlinelink for use -Paulgb */
.nounderlinelink a { text-decoration: none ! important; }

.hidden-workaround h2 { display: none; }

/* Make search suggestions proper size -Lyrithya */ 
#searchInputSuggest {
	font-size: 13px;

/* Make transparent file pages more pleasant */
#file img, .gallerybox .thumb img {
	background: transparent;
#file img:hover, .gallerybox .thumb img:hover {
	background: url("") transparent;

/* Make footer images look like the Wikimedia ones, whether they like it or not... -L */
#f-poweredbyico a img,
#f-copyrightico a img {
	opacity: 0;
#f-poweredbyico { background-image: url(''); }
#f-copyrightico { background-image: url(''); }

/* For an... ah... template. Really. -Lyrithya */
.miral { background: url( right repeat-y; }
.mirar { background: url( left repeat-y; }
.mirara { background: url( left no-repeat; }
.mirala { background: url( right no-repeat; }

/* For Zork related pages. See [[Template:Zorkheader]]. -Paulgb */
table.zorkclass td { padding: 3px; }
.zorkclass { background-color: #000000; color: #FFFFFF; }
.zorkclass a { color: #FFFFCC; }
.zorkclass a:visited { color: #FFFFCC; }
.zorkclass a:hover { color: #FFFFFF; }
.zorkclass { color: #FF6666; }
.zorkclass ul {
	list-style-type: circle;
	color: #FFFFCC;
	list-style-image: url(/images/d/d4/Zorkbullet.gif);
.zorkcmd { color: #FFFFCC; }
.zorkclue tt:hover { color:#FFFFFF; }
.zorkclass * a.extiw { color: #CCFFCC !important; }
.zorkclass * a.external { color: #CCFFCC !important; }

/* This makes vfp headers automatically clear the floating image -Paulgb */
#headclear h1 { clear: both; }
#headclear h2 { clear: both; }
#headclear div.editsection {
	clear: both;
	position: relative;
	top: 2em;
/* wikitable/prettytable class for skinning normal tables -Keitei */
table.wikitable, table.prettytable {
	margin: 1em 1em 1em 0;
	background: #f9f9f9;
	border: 1px #aaaaaa solid;
	border-collapse: collapse;

table.wikitable th, table.wikitable td, table.prettytable th, table.prettytable td {
	border: 1px #aaaaaa solid;
	padding: 0.2em;

table.wikitable th, table.prettytable th {
	background: #f2f2f2;
	text-align: center;

table.wikitable caption, table.prettytable caption {
	margin-left: inherit;
	margin-right: inherit;

/* stealth external links almost like normal links (remove if abused) -Spl */
/* Redundant with .plainlinks */
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a {
	background: none;
	padding: 0;
	color: #002bb8;
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink { color: #CC2200 !important; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:visited { color: #5a3696; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:active { color: #faa700; }
#bodyContent .stealthexternallink a:hover { text-decoration: underline; }

/* stealth new links test per [[Forum:Deliberate Red Links]] -Spl */
/* note, color should be #ba0000 per /skins/uncyclopedia/main.css but #cc2200 in practice? */
.new a, a.newcategory {
	color: #cc2200;
.new a:visited, a.newcategory:visited {
	color: #a55858;

/* these allow 'hoverable' clickable buttons. All they do is change the ridge from outset to inset -Spl
 * Note: hover on non-links doesn't work in IE. Be sure not to define ridge-style in the span
 * example: <span class="nounderlinelink">[[Main_Page|<span class="buttonlink" style="border-width: 2px; border-color: #999999;background-color:#bbbbbb;padding:1px 5px 1px 5px;color:black;font-size:110%">Main Page</span>]]</span>
.buttonlink {
	border-style: outset;
.buttonlink:active {
	border-style: inset;
/* Code to make sysop names bold in recent changes (-Spl) */
/* Now at "MediaWiki:Admin names in bold.css" for inclusion at user option */

/* hide manual edit links class="editlink" in certain implementations class=noeditlink" */
.noeditlink .editlink { display: none; }

/* allows for expanding hidden sig sections -Dawg */
.sighidden { display: none; }
.sigexpand:hover .sighidden { display: inline; }
.sigclick:active .sighidden { display: inline; }

/* Stolen from Wikipedia--keitei */
/* Coloured watchlist numbers */
.mw-plusminus-pos { color:#006400; }
/* .mw-plusminus-null currently at developer default */
.mw-plusminus-neg { color:#8B0000; }

/* Highlight clicked reference in blue to help navigation */
/* Oasis has its own color for this attached to a different attribute. This was changed to override it properly. */
.WikiaArticle .references > li:target { background-color: #DEF; }
sup.reference:target { background-color: #DEF; }
.limegreen {
	color: #42e73f;
	font-weight: bold;

/* Stops embedded flash hack from displaying during page load */
#embedFlashDoc { display: none; }
#replacepagetitle { display: none; }

/* Censored text style, and clear text on rollover. */
.censored {
	color: black;
	background-color: black;
	padding: 1px;

.censored a {
	color: black;
	text-decoration: underline;
	padding: 1px;

.censored:hover {
	color: inherit;
	background-color: inherit !important;

/* Misspelled text style, wavy red underline, a la MS Word */
.misspelled {
	background: url("") repeat-x bottom;

/* "Mark as voted" for VFH -Spang */
.vfhvoted { display: none; }
.vfhnotvoted { display: none; } 

/* 3 column TOC (sorted horizontally; vertical sorting not possible yet) */
#toc-3-column #toc, #toc-3-column #toc ul { width: 100% !important }
#toc-3-column #toc ul li {
	float: left;
	width: 30%;
	padding-right: 1%;
	margin-right: 1%;
	border-bottom: 1px dotted #ccf;
	overflow: hidden;
	text-overflow: ellipsis;
	-o-text-overflow: ellipsis;
	white-space: nowrap;
#toc-3-column #toc ul li a span.tocnumber {
	color: black;
	font-weight: bold;
#toc-3-column #toc ul li a span.tocnumber:after { content: '.'; }
table.dpl-3-column { width: 100%; }
table.dpl-3-column td { width: 33%; vertical-align: top; }
table.dpl-4-column { width: 100%; }
table.dpl-4-column td { width: 25%; vertical-align: top; }

/* 3-column list */
.tri-column, .tri-column ul, .tri-column ol { width: 100% !important; }
.tri-column li {
	float: left;
	width: 30%;
	padding-right: 1%;
	margin-right: 1%;

/* Unicode class, for maximising the chance of displaying uncommon Unicode symbols (from wikipedia) */
.Unicode {
	font-family: Code2000, Code2001, "Free Serif", "TITUS Cyberbit Basic", "Doulos SIL", "Chrysanthi Unicode", "Bitstream Cyberbit", "Bitstream CyberBase", Thryomanes, Gentium, GentiumAlt, "Lucida Grande", "Free Sans", "Arial Unicode MS", "Microsoft Sans Serif", "Lucida Sans Unicode";
	font-family /**/:inherit;

.not-patrolled {
	background-color: inherit;

/* Autocomplete of article and template names - missing from uncyc's skin (as usual!) */
.yui-ac-container {
	position: absolute;
	right: 50px;
	top: 25px;
	width: 171px;
	z-index: 1000;

.yui-ac-content {
	background: #fff;
	border: 1px solid #808080 !important;
	color: #000;
	left: -155px;
	overflow: hidden;
	position: relative;
	top: -35px;
	width: 100%;
	z-index: 9050;

.yui-ac-content ul {
	float: none !important;
	list-style-image: none !important;
	margin: 0 !important;
	padding: 0 !important;
	width: 100%;

.yui-ac-content li {
	cursor: default;
	float: none !important;
	font-size: 9pt;
	margin: 0 !important;
	padding: 1px 0 0 3px;
	white-space: nowrap;

/* Infobox CSS */
.infobox {
	border: 1px solid #aaa;
	margin: .5em 0 .5em 1em;
	background-color: #f9f9f9;
	float: right;
	clear: right;
	padding: .2em;
	color: black;

.infobox td,.infobox th { vertical-align: top; }

.infobox caption { font-size: larger; }
.infobox.bordered { border-collapse: collapse; }
.infobox.bordered td,.infobox.bordered th { border: 1px solid #aaa; }
.infobox.bordered .borderless td,.infobox.bordered .borderless th { border: 0; }
.infobox.sisterproject {
	font-size: 90%;
	width: 20em;
.infobox.standard-talk {
	border: 1px solid #c0c090;
	background-color: #f8eaba;
.infobox.standard-talk.bordered td,.infobox.standard-talk.bordered th { border: 1px solid #c0c090; }
.infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow td,.infobox.bordered .mergedtoprow th {
	border-top: 1px solid #aaa;
	border: 0;
	border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
.infobox.bordered .mergedrow td,.infobox.bordered .mergedrow th {
	border: 0;
	border-right: 1px solid #aaa;
.infobox.geography {
	line-height: 1.2em;
	text-align: left;
	font-size: 90%;
	border-collapse: collapse;
.infobox.geography td,.infobox.geography th {
	border-top: solid 1px #aaa;
	padding: .4em .6em;
.infobox.geography .mergedtoprow td,.infobox.geography .mergedtoprow th {
	padding: .4em .6em .2em;
	border-top: solid 1px #aaa;
.infobox.geography .mergedrow td,.infobox.geography .mergedrow th {
	padding: 0 .6em .2em;
	border: 0;
.infobox.geography .mergedbottomrow td,.infobox.geography .mergedbottomrow th {
	padding: 0 .6em .4em;
	border-bottom: solid 1px #aaa;
	border-top: 0;
.infobox.geography .maptable td,.infobox.geography .maptable th {
	border: 0;
	padding: 0;

/* Special skinning for single namespaces--covers all system skins, incl. uncyclopedia and monobook
 * --------------------------------------
 * Image: and Image_talk: */
	body.ns-6 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-7 #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; }
/* UnNews: and UnNews_talk: */
	body.ns-102 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-103 #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; }
/* UnNews: NEW: INHIBIT UNCYCLOPEDIA PAGE HEADING (24-May-15) when viewing any page in UnNews
 * UnNews articles will do it with a Masthead.
 * JavaScript in [MediaWiki:Common.js] also inhibits talk, history, etc. buttons for Front Page
 *  Didn't work to say div#p-cactions ... display: none
        body.ns-102.action-view H1.firstHeading { display: none !important }
/* Undictionary: and Undictionary_talk: */
	body.ns-104 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-105 #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; }
/* Game: and Game_talk: */
	body.ns-106 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-107 #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; }
/* Forum:
 *  Custom background, no "Discussion" button to gain access to "Forum_talk:" (originally
 *  by User:Algorithm); no code at all for Forum_talk: (namespace 111) */
	body.ns-110 #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; }
  body.ns-110 #ca-talk { display: none !important; }
  body.ns-110 #ca-nstab-forum { margin-right: 16px; }
/* UnTunes: and UnTunes_talk: */
	body.ns-112 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-113 #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; background-position: 50% 40% !important; }
/* HowTo: and HowTo_talk: */
	body.ns-114 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-115 #p-logo a { background-image: url( ) !important; }
/* UnBooks: and UnBooks_talk: */
	body.ns-118 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-119 #p-logo a { background-image: url( ) !important; }
/* Unquotable: and Unquotable_talk: */
	body.ns-124 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-125 #p-logo a { background-image: url( ) !important; }
/* UnPoetia: and UnPoetia_talk: */
	body.ns-122 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-123 #p-logo a { background-image: url( ) !important; background-position: 50% 40% !important; }
/* UnReviews: and UnReviews_talk: */
	body.ns-128 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-129 #p-logo a { background-image: url( ) !important; }
/* UnScripts: and UnScripts_talk: */
	body.ns-120 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-121 #p-logo a { background-image: url( ) !important; }
/* Why?: and Why?_talk: */
	body.ns-116 #p-logo a,
	body.ns-117 #p-logo a { background-image: url( ) !important; }
/* Undebate: and Undebate_talk: */
  .ns-126 #contentSub, 
  .ns-127 #contentSub { display: none; }
  .ns-126 #p-search, 
  .ns-127 #p-search   { top:125px; }
  .ns-126 #column-content, 
  .ns-127 #column-content,
  .ns-126 #p-cactions,
  .ns-127 #p-cactions { margin-top: 75px; }
  .ns-126 #p-personal,
  .ns-127 #p-personal { margin-top: 85px; }
  .ns-126 #p-logo a, 
  .ns-127 #p-logo a {
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-position: left top !important;	
	background-repeat: no-repeat;
  body.ns-127 {
	background-color: #f6f6f6;
	background-image: url('') !important;
	background-position: 50% top;
	background-repeat: no-repeat !important;

/* end per namespace logos */

.page-Undictionary_Main_Page #firstHeading, 
.page-Undictionary_Main_Page #siteSub, 
.page-Uncycloversity_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-Uncycloversity_Main_Page #siteSub, 
.page-UnReviews_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-UnReviews_Main_Page #siteSub,
.page-HowTo_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-HowTo_Main_Page #siteSub,
.page-Game_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-Game_Main_Page #siteSub,
.page-Why_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-Why_Main_Page #siteSub,
.page-Unquotable_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-Unquotable_Main_Page #siteSub,
.page-UnPoetia_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-UnPoetia_Main_Page #siteSub,
.page-UnBooks_Main_Page #firstHeading,
.page-UnBooks_Main_Page #siteSub {

/* More for [Template:UnNews masthead] -- Formerly in [MediaWiki:Skin/UnNews.css] */
 .masthead {
  height: 67px;
  border-spacing: 5px;
  width: 100%;
  background-image:url( );
  background-repeat: repeat-x;
  background-position: left center;
  clear: both;
  background-color: #fdfec8;
  border: 1px solid #ccc;
  padding: 1px 10px 1px 10px;

 .masthead_left, .masthead_left DIV {
  text-align: left;
  vertical-align: middle;
  width: auto;

 .masthead_right {
  padding-left: 1em

/* Non-namespace projects */
body[class*="page-Un-Bestiary"] #p-logo > a,
body[class*="page-Talk_Un-Bestiary"] #p-logo > a,
body.ns-unbestiary #p-logo > a { background-image: url( ) !important; }
body[class*="page-Uncycloversity_"] #p-logo > a,
body[class*="page-Talk_Uncycloversity_"] #p-logo > a,
body.ns-uncycloversity #p-logo > a { background-image: url( ) !important; }

/* page-specific namespace logos -Algorithm (Only affects Uncyclopedia and Monobook skins) */ #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; } #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; } #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; } #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; } #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; } #p-logo a { background-image: url( !important; }

/* page-specific whatever */
.page-Command_Line .firstHeading {
	display: none;

/* positioning for custom logos and whatnot */
.logothing {
	display: block; 
	width: 160px; 
	position: absolute; 
	left: -12.2em; 
	top: -2.8em; 
	background: none;

TABLE.diff { border-spacing: 2px 2px }  /* Decrease leading between entries from 4 to 2 */

td.diff-deletedline { background: #fcc }
td.diff-addedline   { background: #cfc }
td.diff-context     { background: #eee; color: #555 }

td.diff-deletedline div,
td.diff-addedline div,
td.diff-context div
                    { padding: 0px 4px }

/* Dark backgrounds make it easier to see insertion/deletion of spaces than former wavy underline */
td.diff-deletedline .diffchange   {
        background-color: #600 !important;
        background-image: none;
        color: yellow }
td.diff-addedline   .diffchange   {
        background-color: #060 !important;
        background-image: none;
        color: yellow }

/* Header colours */
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
	color: inherit;

/* Blockquotes */
blockquote {
	margin: 0.4em 1em .8em 0;

/* **********
 * **********
 * Wikia changed coding in May '14; see
 * Restore similarity to Wikipedia: */
/* Commenting out previous thumbnail styles because they interfere with Fake Vector -- Llwy
.article-thumb {
  background-color: white;
  border: solid 1px #888;
FIGURE.tright  { margin: 0 0 0 1ex !important }
FIGURE.tleft   { margin: 0 1ex 0 0 !important }
P.caption {
  font: normal 10pt/12pt !important;
  padding: 0 1ex 0 1ex;
  } */
/* Wikia has killed the sprite in the top right corner of thumbnail captions for good.
 * jQuery code to put it back is in MediaWiki:Uncyclopedia.js for users who select Uncyclopedia
 * skin because they want to see something that looks like Wikipedia.
 * Allow user override, for nonwhite backgrounds.  Authors: specify this by enclosing your
 * thumbnail in a DIV with class="nonwhite".  See [UN:HAX] for more:
    <div class="nonwhite">[[Image:...]]</div>
 * Originally by User:Paulgb
 * Changed thumb to article-thumb per above Wikia advisory; inner elements no longer DIVs --SPIKE May'14
.nonwhite .article-thumb {
  background-color: transparent;  /* Countermands general rule above */
  border: none;
  margin-top: 10px;
  margin-bottom: 0px;
.nonwhite P.caption {
  background-color: transparent;
  padding: 0;                     /* Countermands general rule above */
.nonwhite .tleft {
  border: none;
.nonwhite .tright { 
  margin-left: 13px;

/* Forum formatting -Algorithm & -Splaka */
.forumheader {
	border: 1px solid #aaa;
	background-color: #f9f9f9;
	margin-top: 1em;
	padding: 12px;
.forumlist td span {
	display: block;
	padding-left: 10px;
	font-size: smaller;
.forumlist td span a { text-decoration: none; }
.forumlist td span.forum_author { padding-left: 30px; }
.forumlist td.forum_edited a { text-decoration: none }
.forumlist td.forum_title a { padding-left: 20px; }
.forumlist td.forum_title span a { padding-left: 0px }
.forumlist td.forum_title a.forum_new {
	font-weight: bold;
	background: url( center left no-repeat;
	padding-left: 20px;
.forumlist td.forum_title a.forum_new:visited {
	font-weight: normal;
	background: none;
	padding-left: 20px;
.forumlist th.forum_title {
	padding-left: 20px;

.forumborder {
	border-collapse: collapse
.forumborder td {
	border-top: solid #aaa 1px

/* Maintenance formatting -Algorithm */
.expired td.forum_title a { 
	font-weight: bold;
.expired td.forum_title a.forum_new {
	font-weight: normal;

/* Forces no list styles in a section */
.nolist {
	list-style-type: none !important;
	list-style-image: none !important;
	margin-left: 0 !important;
	padding-left: 0 !important;
.nolist ul {
	list-style-type: none;
	list-style-image: none;
	margin-left: 0;
	padding-left: 0;
.nolist ul li {
	list-style-type: none;
	list-style-image: none;
	margin-left: 0;
	padding-left: 0;

/* For NetBars */
#netbar {
	list-style-type: none !important;
	list-style-image: none !important;
	margin-left: 0 !important;
	padding-left: 0 !important;

/* NavFrame, aka box hiding thingy from Wikipedia */
div.NavFrame {
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 2px;
	border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
	text-align: center;
	border-collapse: collapse;
	font-size: 95%;
div.Boxmerge div.NavFrame {
	border-style: none;
	border-style: hidden;
div.NavFrame + div.NavFrame {
	border-top-style: none;
	border-top-style: hidden;
div.NavPic {
	background-color: #ffffff;
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 2px;
	float: left;
div.NavFrame div.NavHead {
	height: 1.6em;
	font-weight: bold;
	font-size: 100%;
	background-color: #efefef;
	position: relative;
div.NavFrame p {
	font-size: 100%;
div.NavFrame div.NavContent {
	font-size: 100%;
div.NavFrame div.NavContent p {
	font-size: 100%;
div.NavEnd {
	margin: 0px;
	padding: 0px;
	line-height: 1px;
	clear: both;
a.NavToggle {
	position: absolute;
	top: 0px;
	right: 3px;
	font-weight: normal;
	font-size: smaller;
/* End NavFrame */

/* Recreating-deleted-page/reupload file warning and log entries - from skins/monobook/main.css - Jack */
div#mw-recreate-deleted-warn {
	padding: 3px;
	margin-bottom: 3px;
	border: 2px solid #2F6FAB;
div#mw-upload-deleted-warn ul li,
div#mw-recreate-deleted-warn ul li {
	font-size: 90%;

/* Donation parody stuff */
.walesh1 {
	background-color: #8ca5b6; 
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
.walesh2 {
	background-color: #c0a282;
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
.walesh3 {
	background-color: #a19f93;
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
.walesh4 {
	background-color: #242304;
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
.walesh5 {
	background-color: #491787;
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
.sannseh6 {
	background-image: url(;
 	background-repeat: repeat-x;
.gradientg6 {
	background-image: url(;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;
	background-position: bottom;

/* Button stolen from wikimedia */
.nt-button-2011-start { 
	background-image: url("");
	background-position: 100% 100%;
	float: right;
	height: 30px;
	width: 4px;
.nt-button-2011-end { 
	background-image: url("");
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/* Undebate header */
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pre {
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/* Bizzeebeever's No Border Addition */
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/* for IE 8 */
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/* For IE8 */
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.navbox .hlist dt dl,
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ol + table.navbox,
ul + table.navbox {
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/* Default styling for Navbar template */
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/* 'show'/'hide' buttons created dynamically by the CollapsibleTables javascript
   in [[MediaWiki:Common.js]] are styled here so they can be customised. */
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/* In navboxes, the show/hide button balances the v·d·e links
   from [[Template:Navbar]], so they need to be the same width. */
.navbox .collapseButton {
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/* Styling for jQuery makeCollapsible, matching that of collapseButton */
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/* Partial fake Vector skin per [[Forum:Compromise skin]] -- Llwy */
/* Colours and sizing/spacing */
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table.wikitable, .TablePager td, .TablePager th, /* tables */
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.WikiaRail .rail-module h2,
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.wikia-menu-button > a,
.wikia-menu-button > li > a { /* blue line on "edit profile" button */
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/* section edit links */
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/* Dropdowns */
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/* Edit button styling to mimic blue Vector buttons
   and ensure high-contrast, readable font on 
   main button */
.WikiaPage .page-header .wds-button {
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/* Content area padding */
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/* white background */
#WikiaPage {
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/* Tone down the user info box */
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.UserProfileMasthead .contributions-details a, .UserProfileMasthead .contributions-details a:hover {
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/* Tweak "My Tools" dropdown */
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/* "Redirected from" text and revision info */
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/* Recolor user links */
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.wds-dropdown__content .wds-list.wds-is-linked > li > a:active,
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/* Bring category pages in line with the overall theme */
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.WikiaArticle dl {
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.WikiaArticle dd {
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/* Fix font sizes in preview box */
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.ArticlePreviewInner h1 {
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#WikiaNotifications {
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.skin-oasis .EditPageHeader {
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/* stop images from fading in */
img.lzyTrns {
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/* arrows on file pages */
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.page-listings .page-list-pagination .arrow.right {
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/* page number buttons on Special:ListUsers */
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.paging_full_numbers span.paginate_button:hover {
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/* Success boxes */
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.wds-success .wds-banner-notification__icon {
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.wds-banner-notification__text {
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.wds-banner-notification__container {
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/* History link in deletion window */
.emptymwmsg.mediawiki_historywarning {
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/* page history selected entries */
.WikiaArticle #pagehistory li.selected {
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/* Blue Vector-like styling for buttons in bottom/right area */
.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary,
.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary:hover:not(:disabled),
.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary.wds-is-active,
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.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary:hover:not(:disabled),
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.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary:focus:not(:disabled) {
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.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary:active,
.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary:active:focus:not(:disabled) {
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/* Pink log/warning boxes */,,,
div#mw-protect-cascadeon {
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	color: inherit;

/* Wikipedia-like reference styling */
ol.references, div.reflist, div.refbegin {
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	margin-bottom: 0.5em;

.references a[href^="#cite_ref"] {
	font-weight: bold;

.references sup a[href^="#cite_ref"] {
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	font-style: italic;

.WikiaArticle sub, .WikiaArticle sup, span.reference {
	font-size: 80%;

/* new page, minor edit and unpatrolled letters dotted line */
abbr[title] {
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	cursor: help;
	text-decoration: none;

/* Blue table cells */
.TablePager th {
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.TablePager tr:hover td {
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/* Blue-gray wikitables */
table.wikitable > tr > th, table.wikitable > * > tr > th {
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table.wikitable > tr > th, table.wikitable > tr > td, table.wikitable > * > tr > th, table.wikitable > * > tr > td {
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;

/* <code> */
code {
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/* Harmonize user and user talk edit buttons with edit buttons elsewhere */
.UserProfileActionButton nav,
.UserProfileActionButton nav:hover,
.UserProfileActionButton nav:active {
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.UserProfileActionButton nav > a,
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.UserProfileActionButton nav > a:hover,
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.UserProfileActionButton nav > a:focus,
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.UserProfileActionButton nav > a:active,
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.UserProfileActionButton ul {
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}.UserProfileActionButton nav,
.UserProfileActionButton nav:hover,
.UserProfileActionButton nav:active {
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/* Save and preview buttons */
#wpSave {
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#wpSave:hover {
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#wpSave:focus {
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#wpSave:active {
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#wpPreview, #wpPreviewMobile, .EditPage .module_page_controls .drop {
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.skin-oasis #wpPreview:not(.preview_icon), .EditPage .module_page_controls .drop {
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.EditPage .module_page_controls .drop .chevron {
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#wpPreview:hover, #wpPreviewMobile:hover, .EditPage .module_page_controls .drop:hover {
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#wpPreview:focus, #wpPreviewMobile:focus, .EditPage .module_page_controls .drop:focus {
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#wpPreview:active, #wpPreviewMobile:active, .EditPage .module_page_controls .drop:active {
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.EditPage .module_page_controls .wikia-menu-button {
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.wikia-menu-button ul {
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.wikia-menu-button.secondary ul {
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.wikia-menu-button.secondary ul a:hover {
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/* input fields */
.EditPage .module_page_controls #wpSummary,
.CategorySelect.editPage .categories,
.CategorySelect.editPage .input,
.Search .SearchInput input[type="search"],
.Search .SearchInput input[type="text"] {
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	-moz-transition: border-color 200ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.55,0.55,1),box-shadow 200ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.55,0.55,1);
	transition: border-color 200ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.55,0.55,1),box-shadow 200ms cubic-bezier(0.4,0.55,0.55,1);
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.EditPage .module_page_controls #wpSummary:hover,
.CategorySelect.editPage .categories:hover,
.CategorySelect.editPage .input:hover,
.Search .SearchInput input:hover[type="search"],
.Search .SearchInput input:hover[type="text"] {
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.EditPage .module_page_controls #wpSummary:focus,
.CategorySelect.editPage .categories:focus,
.CategorySelect.editPage .input:focus,
.Search .SearchInput input:focus[type="search"],
.Search .SearchInput input:focus[type="text"] {
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/* button transitions and border radius */
.WikiaPage .page-header .wds-button,
.WikiaRail .rail-module .wds-button.wds-is-secondary,
.UserProfileActionButton nav > a,
.UserProfileActionButton .drop,
#wpPreviewMobile {
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.skin-oasis #wpPreview:not(.preview_icon) {
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.EditPage .module_page_controls .drop {
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.autocomment {
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.ns-6 .tabs {
	display: none;
.tabBody {
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/* End Fake Vector */

/* Missing "toccolours" class used in several places. Copied from code in current (1.33)
 * MediaWiki core.
.toccolours {
	border: 1px solid #a2a9b1;
	background-color: #f8f9fa;
	padding: 5px;
	font-size: 95%;

/* </nowiki> Styles go above this line */