File talk:SexualPredator.jpg

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I suggest you making she more Predator-like by adding the classic Predator fishnet outfit (or maybe not, she's naked), a yellowish dotted skin and black nails. What do you think? -- herr doktor needsApistol Rocket.gif [scream!] 10:28, 14 March 2007 (UTC)

Yeah, I had thought about it, but I was trying to go for the genteel and subtle approach, like fusing an alien's head onto an iconic 20th Century photo. :) -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
I'm just a little concerned about "head swap" photoshopping. Maybe just the nail then. -- herr doktor needsApistol Rocket.gif [scream!] 10:37, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
By the way, I've noticed it's a difficult head swap, with her hands covering pred's face. Nevermind, sorry for being intrusive. -- herr doktor needsApistol Rocket.gif [scream!] 10:55, 14 March 2007 (UTC)
No worries, glad to see the details are appreciated. :) I might do a series of them for the article though, so you might see your idea see the light of day yet. -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

I dated this Girl, then she killed my dog, stole my motorcyle and tried to steal the money from my bank account. Her name is Suzie Watters from San Jose.