File talk:Big computer.jpg

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This is NOT a big computer; well, the teletype in the foreground is probably connected to one somehwere. This is a SUBMARINE CONTROL ROOM SIMULATOR.

How do I know? I spent 4 years aboard a Sturgeon-class US Navy submarine, running the center operating console in this picture.

There are three operating consoles here, from left to right: steam plant control panel (with the stainless steel wheels), the reactor plant control panel (with the grab bar at the front), and the electric plant control panel. In practice, an operator sits/stands at each of these panels. The steam plant operator controls the throttles (big wheel = forward, little wheel = astern), the reactor plant operator controls the nuclear plant (control rods out, cooling pumps on), and the electric plant operator controls the power generation and distribution throughout the boat (both generators operating, isolate batteries for monthly checking, port and starboard main buses energized).

The teletype presumably provided training scenarios (gage/meter readings to mimic an engine room calamity) and a log of each operator action (opened valve timestamp, stopped pump timestamp, melted reactor through submarine hull timestamp, etc).

Now, I realize that the photo holds significant value as a representation of 1950's-era " Big Computers", and I have a really good sense of humor (I was on a submarine for four years, for God's sake), so if that's the premise -- have at it.

Just wanted to make sure somebody knows HOW COOL THIS PHOTO REALLY IS! (And I'll bet the photo was super-classified until 15 years ago.)