
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
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This is a documentation subpage for Template:Conservapedia.
It contains usage information, categories and other content that is not part of the original template page.
To view the template page itself, see Template:Conservapedia.


To spread the Truth, when the faux patriots at Conservapedia have an article about it. Appropriately, floats to the right side of text.


Any of:

  • {{Conservapedia}}
  • {{Conservapedia|Article name}}
  • {{Conservapedia|Article name|link title}}

Article name can specify a different page than the page it's used on. link title can specify a different title to be displayed for the link.


Markup Renders as
Conservapedia logo.png
The faux patriot snake handlers at Conservapedia have an even funnier article about Conservapedia/doc.
Conservapedia logo.png
The faux patriot snake handlers at Conservapedia have an even funnier article about Kangaroo.
{{Conservapedia|Theory of Evolution|the theory of evolution}}
Conservapedia logo.png
The faux patriot snake handlers at Conservapedia have an even funnier article about the theory of evolution.