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Whoppes! Myabe ypu wdre loking flr Spelechwck?
The tpyo-free kwyboard: Ten petceny od the Ameracin polpution still manged to typoo on it.

“nI Svotie Rissua, toyp wnogrs oYu!!”

~ Rusisna Revresla on Ypots

“Tiy are fukjing stiaod! Uknu u r jus sting at ur com,ptuer all dauy wtf!”

~ The Illegible Hulk on rage typos

Typpos are unintwntionzl missspllngs of wrods when typing. Thry usuallly come about by ttping while in a rusj. Thw governments of tje worlsd have speny quite a biy of monye on makng ttpo-freee keyboards as thw wolrd-tpoyo-rate is at yhe higest it's beeen in yrs, and finnaly relessed the "no tyopo 1000" in 2010. Nwo, I kno what yiu might be sating, "Wat's ao bad about mroe typos?" Welll I'lll teeel tou: Comiting a tyope is consideered a federal offense by the Grammqr policw, a viklent branch of the millitart.

Typing limit 30 WPM.

History of typos[edit]

The word 'yypo' comds from tge Lanitn worf 'kjdshfkjdnv' meaning 'Whne you'r tping on teh compter adn hit the wrngo key, but don'y realise'. The fccat that tge definition og thia wodrd includes the wrod 'computerr' is evicence that Romnas were phycic (or hqd a tine machinw. 'Course, id they had a tine machlne, there'a no reaspn they couldn'y habe a computer).

However, rhe acctuuall firstt tyopo was commited in 1808 Pellegrino Turri[1] when, aftre incenting teh frist ytpwriter, he tried ti type up a lettter yo a collleagie informing hmi of hsi invenyon. But insyead of sating, "I have invented a most wonderful machine." lije he wanyed, he typoed, "Penis." He of coyrse seny yhis offf, not realizing wat he had donw. This later syaryed a vert humoros confusiom that was thr sublect of lasy tear's comdt, yitled 'What type of gay R U?'.

Tyops are a comon and formerly re-unbanned brand of == So in comcljsiom... == religusexpressionism, persecussion, wich has withstood prublic scutiny for far to long! by virtue of. Pls! Somebody to hlep set up us the bobm!!

Cunt. Shiy! I didn'y meqn yo say that!

Sea all sew[edit]

Bmup smaller.jpg This aritcle needs proofreding!!!

If speeling, punctuation or grammar aren't your forté, never fear help was on teh way?


  1. His nane actuallt loooking lkie a huge typo, itslef.